在apache服务器中从SSL中排除/ var / www / html中的文件

在apache服务器中从SSL中排除/ var / www / html中的文件


I have a home server running on apache at /var/www/html, I also created a self signed SSL at DocumentRoot /var/www/html in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf

How can I exclude a file within html from SSL, for example, my current server is https://myserver.com, but I want to use http://myserver.com/nossl/api.php

What should I add in .htaccess of that nossl folder?

This is my current .htaccess to exclude authentication

<Files main.php>
    AuthType none
    Satisfy any

    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all

我在 / var / www / html code>上的apache上运行了一个家庭服务器,I 还在 /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf code> p> 中的 DocumentRoot / var / www / html code>创建了自签名SSL n

如何从SSL中排除 html code>中的文件,例如,我当前的服务器是 https://myserver.com code>,但我想使用 http://myserver.com/nossl/api.php code> p>

我应该在 nossl code>文件夹的.htaccess中添加什么?

这是我当前.htaccess排除身份验证 p>

 &lt; Files main.php&gt; 
 AuthType none 
&lt; / Files&gt; 
  code>  pre> 

Since I can't find any direct solution to this, I did find a way of free SSL using letsencrypt

Working great on multiple servers