如何在visual studio 2010中搜索数据库

如何在visual studio 2010中搜索数据库


我在visual studio 2010中的c#windows窗体上创建了一个项目...我得到了所有文件,但我找不到我的数据库......该怎么办????

i created a project on c# windows form in visual studio 2010... i got all the files bt i cant find my database...what to do????



Hi Vishal, You can check for the database file (.mdf file) in the location where you have saved your project. To know where you have saved your project, right click on the Project and Click on "Open Containing folder". It will open the file in Windows explorer and there you can find a file with .mdf format. That is your database file. I hope you understand what I mean to say and if this does not help u tell me what have u done and what obstacles did u got it.
