


Is it possible to add navigation items to the "top pager" in a jqGrid? And if so, what's the syntax for doing so?


I have an HTML snippet on my page that looks like this

<table id="mygrid">
<div id="mygrid_pager"></div>


And then an jqGrid initialization that looks something like this

    ..., //full config string removed for brevity,
$('#mygrid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#mygrid_pager'),{
}).navButtonAdd('',{...}); //config navbutton string for button removed for brevity


A "top pager" with the id of #mygrid_toppager is automatically inserted into the page, but its custom buttons (which appear on the bottom pager) don't come along for the ride.


I see that there's a "cloneToTop" option included for the navGrid, but its description seems confusing, and I can only assume I'm using it wrong.

克隆从底部寻呼机所有动作顶端寻呼机   如果定义。需要注意的是navGrid可以应用到顶端   寻呼机而已。顶端寻呼机的ID是格ID的组合和   _toppager

Clones all the actions from the bottom pager to the top pager if defined. Note that the navGrid can be applied to the top pager only. The id of the top pager is a combination of grid id and "_toppager"


My understanding of the option is it will take buttons added to the bottom pager, and clone them to the top. However, the description then goes on to say "the navGrid can be applied to the top pager only, which doesn't make any sense since you're cloning it. The pont being, I clearly have a deep misunderstanding of how the API is supposed to be used.

如果任何人都可以在正确的方向指向我(甚至只是一个工作示例的地方)我倒是AP preciate它。我想preFER通过官方API来做到这一点,而不是巧妙DOM操作,作为*上看到其他地方。

If anyone can point me in the right direction (even just to a working example somewhere) I'd appreciate it. I'd prefer to do this through official APIs, as opposed to clever DOM manipulation, as seen elsewhere on *.

OK,我好像找到了一种方法,看起来像更好。我们的想法是使用 navButtonAdd #list_toppager_left而不是#寻呼机

OK, it seems that I found a way which looks like better. The idea is to use navButtonAdd with the "#list_toppager_left" instead of "#pager".


I modified the old answer so, that one custom button are added on the top of the navigation toolbar together with one standard button. Other elements from the top navigation toolbar will be removed. The results will looks like


You can see the corresponding demo live here.