


I'm creating a UserControl that's a specialized ListBox/View (type not relevant). Now I'm faced with the option to either keep the type as UserControl or Inherit the List control.


1) If I keep it as a UserControl I have a List control inside it and then I have to create a DP for ItemsSource and so on.


2) Let it inherit List control and thus it automatically exposes ItemsSource property.


Is either way acceptable or will it become some Code Horror. What is expected.


Is there maybe a option 3 I'm not aware off?


There is no single right answer I'm afraid. The relative merits are:



  • 设计此控件比较容易,即VisualStudio很好地支持UserControls.
  • 例如,您可以限制要扩展"的控件的接口,如果要取消ListView的某些功能,可以通过不公开它来实现.
  • It is easier to design this control, i.e. VisualStudio supports UserControls quite nicely
  • You can restrict the interface of the control you are 'extending' for example, if you want to suppress some functionality of the ListView, you can do this by simply not exposing it.


  • 您必须通过创建自己的ItemsSourceItemTemplate属性等来手动公开ListView的功能.但是,您可以根据需要将ListView公开为UserControl的属性.
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  • You have to manually expose the functionality of the ListView, by creating your own ItemsSource, ItemTemplate properties etc ... You can however expose the ListView as a property of your UserControl if you like.



  • 如果要替换现有的ListView实例,则立即替换插件.
  • 您不必镜像ListView的属性.
  • Gives an immediate plug-in replacement if you are replacing existing ListView instances.
  • You do not have to mirror the properties of the ListView.


  • 如果要添加其他控件,则必须创建一个新模板.这可能很复杂.
  • 您不能轻易取消ListView的功能.
  • If you are adding additional controls, you have to create a new template. This can be complex.
  • You cannot easily suppress functionality of the ListView.


So, it really depends on what you want to achieve. Personally I would go for (1) if you want to significantly change the API, for example specialising the ListView for a very specific purpose. I would go for (2) if you are creating a highly generic extension.