

每次我从IntelliJ运行flutter应用程序时,它都会加载几天前的旧版本的应用程序.仅在热重载后才加载该应用程序的新版本,即使这样,如果我重新启动该应用程序,也会再次加载旧版本. 我有什么办法可以解决此问题?真令人沮丧.

Every time I run the flutter app from IntelliJ, it loads an old outdated version of the app from days ago. The new version of the app is only loaded after a hot reload and even then, if I restart the app, the old version is loaded again. I there any way I can fix this issue? It's really frustrating.

这是一个错误( https ://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/16604 ),因为Flutter应该更好地识别何时需要重建, 但正在运行

This is a bug (https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/16604) because Flutter should better recognize when rebuilding is required, but running

flutter clean


should fix it in the meantime