


I need to change a slide's layout programmaticaly with C# (Add-In Express 2009 for Office and .NET is used). If the new layout is a predefined one then everything is fine, but not if I need to set a custom layout as a new one (without slide recreating). Unfortunately, I didn't find any information on how to do it, PowerPoint object model reference documentation didn't answer me as well. There is just the ability to create a new slide that uses custom layout.


I've done an experiment and have ensured that the Slide object stayed being the same while I have been changing layout both predefined and custom ones. I don't want to create a new slide when I need just switch the layout.


Is it possible at all? Please help me to find a way of doing it.

将工作的唯一方法是,如果你的自定义布局实际使用在甲板上的第一。然后你只需采取的布局,并将其应用到你想要的幻灯片。您可以编程方式创建您的自定义布局新的幻灯片,用它的布局应用到另一张幻灯片,然后删除您已经创建了一个新的幻灯片。下面的代码将应用自定义布局(请注意,我的 ap.Slides(2) 是一个自定义布局)

The only way it will work is if your custom layout is actually used in the deck first. Then you simply take that layout and apply it to the slide you want. You could programatically create a new slide with your custom layout, use it's layout to apply to another slide and then delete that new slide you had created. Here's code to apply the custom layout (note that my ap.Slides(2) is a Custom Layout)

Sub ChangeLayout()
    Dim ap As Presentation
    Set ap = ActivePresentation
    Dim slide1 As Slide
    Set slide1 = ap.Slides(1)
    Dim customLayout As PpSlideLayout
    customLayout = ap.Slides(2).Layout
    slide1.Layout = ly
End Sub