

我希望能够轻松启动OSGi框架(最好是Equinox)并从java main加载我的pom中列出的所有bundle。

I'd like to be able to easily start an OSGi framework (preferably Equinox) and load up any bundles listed in my pom from a java main.


Is this possible? If so, how?


It seems like the pax tools would do this, but I can't seem to find any documentation indicating such. I know I can start up Equinox like so:

BundleContext context = EclipseStarter.startup( ( new String[] { "-console" } ), null );

但我想做更多 - 就像我说的:加载更多捆绑,也许开始一些服务等。

But I'd like to do more - like I said: load more bundles in, maybe start some services, etc.

任何OSGi框架(R4.1或更高版本)都可以使用 FrameworkFactory API:

Any OSGi framework (R4.1 or later) can be started programmatically using the FrameworkFactory API:

ServiceLoader<FrameworkFactory> ffs = ServiceLoader.load(FrameworkFactory.class);
FrameworkFactory ff = ffs.iterator().next();
Map<String,Object> config = new HashMap<String,Object>();
// add some params to config ...
Framework fwk = ff.newFramework(config);

OSGi框架现在正在运行。由于 Framework 扩展 Bundle ,您可以调用 getBundleContext 并调用所有用于操作包,注册服务等的常规API方法。例如

The OSGi framework is now running. Since Framework extends Bundle you can call getBundleContext and call all of the normal API methods to manipulate bundles, register services, etc. For example

BundleContext bc = fwk.getBundleContext();
bc.registerService(MyService.class.getName(), new MyServiceImpl(), null);
// ...


Finally you should simply wait for the framework to shutdown:


重申一下,这种方法适用于任何 OSGi框架,包括Equinox和Felix只需将框架JAR放在类路径上。

To reiterate, this approach works for any OSGi framework including Equinox and Felix just by putting the framework JAR on the classpath.