


SQLSTATE [42S22]:未找到列:1054未知列books.id b $ b'where子句'(SQL:select * from books where books id当我将id值作为id传递时, =
98745632564 limit 1)

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'books.id' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from books where books.id = 98745632564 limit 1)

我在我的数据库中有列名称bookID,但是在上面的错误中,它正在比较books.id = 98745632564.我不明白book.id来自哪里。

when I pass id value as id. I have column name bookID in my database but in the above error it is comparing books.id = 98745632564. I could not understand where book.id is coming from.

public function showBook($id){
   $book = Book::findOrFail($id);
   return $book;


The code works perfectly fine when I pass id value with the query as follows

public function showBook($id){
    $book = Book::where('bookID', $id)->find();
    return $book;

您应该设置: p>

You should set:

protected $primaryKey = 'bookID';

在您的书籍 / p>

in your Book model to make:

$book = Book::findOrFail($id);


方法 find findOrFail 正在使用主键,默认情况下设置为 id ,所以如果你有任何自定义的主键,你应该设置在你的口才模型。

Methods find or findOrFail are using primary key and this is by default set to id, so if you have any custom primary key, you should set it in your Eloquent model.