Android Studio 未显示带有 Flutter 的 Logcat


我使用 Android Studio 进行 Flutter 应用开发.一切似乎都很好,只是 Android Studio 没有在 Logcat 中显示日志".在 Logcat 部分,它显示请配置 Android SDK".哪个已经配置好了.在 Logcat 部分中显示没有连接的设备".在下拉菜单中.当它识别出我的 Android 手机并在菜单栏下方显示时.

I'm using Android Studio for Flutter App Development. Everything seems to be working fine just that the Android Studio does not show the "logs" in Logcat. In the Logcat section, it says "Please Configure Android SDK". Which is already configured. And in the Logcat section says "No Connected Devices." in the drop-down menu. When it has recognized my Android Phone and is showing it just under the Menu bar.


Is there a fix for it? Is there something I am missing?

2020 年 4 月更新: Cuong 的回答在 Android Studio 3.6+ 上效果更好

Update April 2020: Cuong's answer works better with Android Studio 3.6+


Flutter 使用运行"选项卡在 Android Studio 中显示日志.从 Logcat 切换到 Run,然后您将看到日志.

Flutter use Run tab to display logs in Android Studio. Switch from Logcat to Run and then you will see logs.