在哪里可以获得与XML :: XERCES 2.7.0兼容的Xerces-C?


这个问题是这篇文章的延续,我有尝试安装Xerces-C,但问题是Xerces-C版本是2.8.0和3.0.0,而XML :: XERCES的最新版本是2.7.0,因此收到以下错误消息:

This question is in continuation of this post, I have tried installing Xerces-C but the thing is Xerces-C version is 2.8.0 and 3.0.0 and XML::XERCES latest version is 2.7.0 and so am getting following error message:


Update2: Here is the error which am getting, it says there is somekind of version mismatch.

Using XERCES_LIB = /home/adoshi/XML-Parser/Parser2/
Using XERCES_INCLUDE = /home/adoshi/XML-Parser/Parser2/


You have defined the XERCESCROOT variable, but the file:


 does not seem to point to the config.status file that was used to
 build your Xerces-C library. Without that file, I may not be able to
 properly build the C++ glue files that come with Xerces.pm.

Proceeding anyway ...
Using Xerces-C version info from /home/adoshi/XML-Parser/Parser2/xerces
      *** Version Mismatch ***

You are attempt to build XML::Xerces-2.7.0-0 using Xerces-C-2.8.0,
this will most likely fail, so I am aborting.

You must use Xerces-C-2.7.0


Any guidance would be highly appreciated.


Did you read the download page that clearly says "Older releases are available from the archive download site."? Perhaps you can find a 2.7.0 release there.