无法使用Web平台安装程序安装VS2013的Azure SDK 2.6


. 这是链接-  .但是,每次我尝试打开安装程序时,我都会得到 出现以下错误- ""Microsoft Web平台安装程序找不到您尝试安装的产品.您单击的链接不正确,或者您可能用其他供稿覆盖了供稿."

I am trying to install Azure SDK 2.6 for Visual Studio 2013. I tried downloading the Web Platform Installer from the archive page - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/downloads/archive-net-downloads/. Here is the link - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=534215. However each time I try to open the installer I am getting the following error - "Microsoft Web Platform Installer couldn't find the product you tried to install. Either the link you clicked is incorrect or you may be overriding your feed with a different feed.".
A strange issue is that if I try to upgrade the Azure project from Visual Studio (2013), it's giving me an option to download Web Platform Installer to download SDK 2.6, but that Web Platform Installer is showing the options only for SDK v2.8.
Is Azure SDK 2.6 retired? Or is there a workaround to install SDK 2.6?


Hi Patrik,

我建议您从此处下载适用于.NET 2.6的Azure SDK
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx? id = 46892

I would suggest you to download the Azure SDK for .NET 2.6 from here


If this doesn't helps let me know we can explorer other avenues.

