twilio 会议 - 获取拨入参与者的电话输入


我的 twilio 会议的所有参与者都被静音,除了演示者.我需要实现一个功能,在该功能中,被拨入的参与者想要通过拨打他电话上的一个键来提出问题.

All the participants to my twilio conference are muted except the presenter. I need to implement a feature where the dialed in participant wants to ask a question by dialing a key on his phone.


Essentially a 'raise hand' feature. He can then be unmuted by the moderator and allowed to ask his question.


I already have a build in dashboard to mute/unmute the participants.

有没有办法让调用者可以点击 *1 或一些我可以在回调中使用的键组合.

is there a way that the caller can hit *1 or some combination of keys that I can then use in my callback.

我尝试将 * 与 hanguponstar 功能一起使用,但它基本上使呼叫者退出会议.

I've tried using * with hanguponstar functionality but it basically exits the caller from the conference.


Twilio 开发人员布道者在这里.

Twilio developer evangelist here.

如果您使用 hangupOnStar代码> 并在 然后呼叫将继续为用户.因此,您可以执行以下操作:

If you use hangupOnStar and add further TwiML after the <Dial> then the call will continue for the user. So, you could do something like:

  <Dial hangupOnStar="true">

您将通过 /handup 操作重定向呼叫者.在此操作中,您可以注册呼叫者的问题并使用 TwiML 进行响应以将其拨回 .

You would redirect the caller through a /handup action. In this action you could register the caller's question and respond with TwiML to dial them back into the <Conference>.

请注意,如果您的 <Dial> 有一个 action 属性,那么调用将遵循该属性,而不是在原始操作中继续使用 TwiML.

Note, if you have an action attribute for your <Dial> then the call will follow that rather than carry on with the TwiML in the original action.


Let me know if that helps at all.