在iQueryable上使用Foreach List在第二列表中找到值


我有一个使用查询创建的iQueryable集合,如下所示 -

I have a iQueryable collection created with a query as seen below -

var Results = DataClass.Links.OrderBy(mySel => mySel.Description)
                             .Where(mySel =>                                     mySel.Report_Id.Equals(NumID)                                          
                             new Sections
                                SectID = mySel.Report_Section.SectID,
                                SectionDesn = mySel.Report_Section.ReportSectionDescription,
                                ReportPageTitle = mySel.tbl_Report.ReportPageTitle,                                                
                                MyUrl = mySel.Link_Url

我还有一个第二个类型列表 List< string> 调用LookForMe定义为

I also have a second list of type List<string> called LookForMe defined as

var LookForMe = new List<string> { "increase", "abc", "tuesday", "another" };


I am now trying to loop through each item in my Results collection and if the item.URL contains one of the values found in my LookForMe list and if so then do something.

foreach (var item in Results)
   if (item.URL *contains any of the values in my LookFormE list*)
      // then do something


I'm not sure how to write the if statement to find if the current iterated value contains any of the values in the LookForMe list. Any ideas to get me on the right track? Thank you for your time.


foreach (var item in Results)
    if (LookForMe.Any(x=>item.URL.Contains(x)) 
        // then do something

任何$ c>扩展方法,您正在查找是否存在任何世界在 LookForMe ,它包含在 item.URL 如果是这样,则返回true,否则返回false。

Using the Any extension method, you are looking if there exists any of the worlds in LookForMe, which is included in the item.URL. If so, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.