





100 vijay 66000 10

101 sumit 22000 20

102 sohan 25000 30

103 Bhagat 25000 30

104 sunil 22000 40

105 sumit 24000 40

106 sunil 22000 10

107 kumar 26000 50

108史密斯120033 50

110 arun 12033 10

111 gyanesh 122233 50

112 sunita 10033 40

113 kanchan 120033 50



i want to find second highest salary from table.table contain some duplicate values in emp table.

table like..

eid name salary depatmentid
100 vijay 66000 10
101 sumit 22000 20
102 sohan 25000 30
103 Bhagat 25000 30
104 sunil 22000 40
105 sumit 24000 40
106 sunil 22000 10
107 kumar 26000 50
108 smith 120033 50
110 arun 12033 10
111 gyanesh 122233 50
112 sunita 10033 40
113 kanchan 120033 50

pls help to resolve this problem...

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下面的查询会给你更正确的答案: -

below query will give you more correct answer:-

select * from (
select dense_rank() over (order by sal desc) as num, * from tablename) a
where num=2

  FROM Emp
 WHERE Salary < ( SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Emp )