

I have an issue while sending email to user using PHP. I am binding some value inside the email template but not getting those value inside the template while that sent to user's inbox. I am explaining my code below.

$msgSub="Login credentials and verification link for Spesh";
include "verification.php";


<br /><br />
<b><?php echo $u_name ?></b><br /><br />
<b><?php echo $u_pass ?></b>
<b><?php echo $url ?></b>
<br /><br />

function sendMail($to,$from,$subject,$msg_body){
 $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "
 $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "
 $headers .= 'From: '.$from . "
  return 1;
  return 0;

Here I am getting value for $u_name and $u_pass but for $url the value is coming 0. In the first file I have already declared the value for url. The value of url should come.Please help me.

使用PHP向用户发送电子邮件时遇到问题。 我在电子邮件模板中绑定了一些值,但在发送到用户收件箱时没有在模板中获取这些值。 我正在解释下面的代码。 p>

  $ msgSub =“Spesh的登录凭据和验证链接”; 
 $ u_name ='用户名 - “'。$ email。'”  '; 
 $的u_pass =' 密码 -  “ '$的密码。'” '; 
 $的URL =' HTTP://oditek.in/spesh/mobileapi/categoryproduct.php项目= 4和; ACN = 2及 email ='+ $ email; 
 $ msg_body = ob_get_clean(); 
 $ is_send = sendMail($ email,'info @ thespesh.com',$ msgSub,  $ msg_body); 
  code>  pre> 

verification.php: p> blockquote>

   &lt; br /&gt;&lt; br /&gt; 
&lt; b&gt;&lt;?php echo $ u_name?&gt;&lt; / b&gt;&lt; br /&gt;&lt; br /&gt; 
&lt; b&gt;&lt;  ;?php echo $ u_pass?&gt;&lt; / b&gt; 
&lt; b&gt;&lt;?php echo $ url?&gt;&lt; / b&gt; 
&lt; br /&gt;&lt; br /&gt; 
 \  n 
函数sendMail($ to,$ from,$ subject,$ msg_body){
 $ headers =“MIME-Version:1.0”。  “
 $ headers。=“Content-type:text / html; charset = iso-8859-1”。  “
 $ headers。='From:'。$ from from。  “
 $ id = mail($ to,$ subject,$ msg_body,$ headers); 
 if($ id){
 return 1; 
} else {
 return 0; 
  code>  pre> 

这里我为 $ u_name和$ u_pass code>获得了价值,但对于 $ url code> 值即将到来 0 code>。 在第一个文件中,我已经声明了 url code>的值。 url的值应该来了。请帮助我。 p> div>

The problem is obviously on the way $url is set:

$url = 'http://.../categoryproduct.php?item=4&acn=2&email=' + $email;

(I removed some unimportant part of the first string to let the issue come into focus).

The addition operator (+) computes the sum of its operands. If the operands are strings they are first converted to numbers. When a string is converted to a number, only the maximum-length prefix of the string that looks like a number is used, the rest is ignored. In this code the two strings start with letters, not digits, that's why they both are converted to 0 (zero).

To concatenate strings, use the concatenation operator (.):

$url = 'http://oditek.in/spesh/mobileapi/categoryproduct.php?item=4&acn=2&email='
       . $email;