我可以使用Visual Studio 2010的C ++编译器与Visual Studio 2008的C ++运行库吗?

我可以使用Visual Studio 2010的C ++编译器与Visual Studio 2008的C ++运行库吗?


我有一个需要在Windows 2000操作的应用程序。我也想使用Visual Studio 2010(主要是因为 auto 关键词)。但是,我有点绑定,因为我需要的应用程序能够在旧操作系统上操作,即:

I have an application that needs to operate on Windows 2000. I'd also like to use Visual Studio 2010 (mainly because of the change in the definition of the auto keyword). However, I'm in a bit of a bind because I need the app to be able to operate on older OS's, namely:

  • Windows 2000

  • Windows XP RTM

  • Windows XP SP1

Visual Studio 2010的运行时库取决于在Windows XP SP2中引入的 EncodePointer / DecodePointer API。

Visual Studio 2010's runtime library depends on the EncodePointer / DecodePointer API which was introduced in Windows XP SP2.

如果使用替代运行时库是可能的,这将破坏依赖于VS2010中添加的C ++ 0x功能的代码,如 std :: regex

If using the alternate runtime library is possible, will this break code that relies on C++0x features added in VS2010, like std::regex?

__ imp __ * @ 4 符号需要指针到函数,而不是函数本身。不幸的是,我不知道如何让Visual C ++吐出一个指针与这种名称生成...(好, __ declspec(naked)结合 __ stdcall 这样做,但是我不知道如何发出指针)。

Suma's solution looked pretty promising, but it doesn't work: the __imp__*@4 symbols need to be pointers to functions, rather than the functions themselves. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make Visual C++ spit out a pointer with that kind of name generation... (well, __declspec(naked) combined with __stdcall does the trick, but then I don't know how to emit a pointer).

- 时间正常,解决方案很简单 - 使用 FASM 组装以下代码并链接到生成的目标文件,并且预先编译 - 无EncodePointer / DecodePointer引用的exe:

If using an assembler at build-time is OK, the solution is pretty trivial - assemble the following code with FASM and link against the produced object file, and presto - no EncodePointer/DecodePointer references in the exe:

format ms coff

section ".data" data
public __imp__DecodePointer@4
__imp__DecodePointer@4 dd dummy

public __imp__EncodePointer@4
__imp__EncodePointer@4 dd dummy

section ".text" code
mov eax, [esp+4]
retn 4