寻找与Visual Studio 2008/2010配合使用的C ++数据库库

寻找与Visual Studio 2008/2010配合使用的C ++数据库库


我正在寻找一个可以使用Visual Studio 2008/2010而不是MS-SQL的C ++库。由于MySql是我使用的第一个数据库应用程序,如果它也可以使用MySql将是非常有用的。我在Visual Studio中设置MySqlConnector有一个不好的经验。这是一个噩梦,是很难建立环境。之所以我喜欢Visual Studio因为Visual Assist和ViEmu。我觉得非常没有这两个工具没有生产力。因此,我的优先顺序将遵循以下顺序:

I'm looking for a C++ libraries that can work with Visual Studio 2008/2010, but not MS-SQL. Since MySql is the first database application that I used, it would be much helpful if it also can work with MySql. I had a bad experience with setting up MySqlConnector in Visual Studio. It was such a nightmare, it was so difficult to set up the environment. The reason that I like Visual Studio because of Visual Assist and ViEmu. I feel very unproductive without these two tools. So my priority will follow this order:


0.跨平台,而不是Windows。 (我只喜欢Visual Studio不是MS)

1.使用Visual Studio轻松设置。

2.具有与STL C ++类似的设计。我是STL C ++的粉丝。


0. Cross platform, not specific to Windows. ( I only like Visual Studio not MS )
1. Easy to set up with Visual Studio.
2. Has similar design to STL C++. I'm a fan of STL C++.
3. Light weight since I'm still a student, and I only want to experiment.




如果MySQL是您熟悉的,那么也许您应该使用 MySQL ++ 。 FAQ部分讨论在VC ++上使用它。

If MySQL is what you are familiar with, then perhaps you should use MySQL++. The FAQ section discusses using it on VC++.

它似乎符合您的所有要求,除了可能的易于设置与Visual Studio,因为这是完全主观,但下载代码 - 编译代码 - 链接代码似乎很简单。

It seems to fit all your requirements except possibly "Easy to set up with Visual Studio" since that is entirely subjective, but download the code - compile the code - link the code seems fairly straightforward to me.