Visual Studio 2010/2013中内置数据库的位置

Visual Studio 2010/2013中内置数据库的位置



hello everyone, i was working in built in database and accessing the register page in . so can i know where do i find the database so that i can see who are all the users registered and logged in .



即使没有获得数据库,也请查看Web.Config ....为自己我可以看到:

add name =DefaultConnectionprovidername =System.Data.SqlClientconnectionstring =Data Source =(LocalDb)\ v11.0;初始目录= aspnet-WebApplication1-20140223194834;集成安全性= SSPI; AttachDBFilename = | DataDirectory | \aspnet-WebApplication1-20140223194834.mdf

重要的值是: AttachDBFilename = | DataDirectory | \ aspnet-WebApplication1-20140223194834.mdf.....看看你的。
It must be inside App_Data folder in your application. It may be as hidden file so first use "Show All Files" button in Solution explorer and then look inside App_Data folder.

One more thing....if you just created the ASP.NET application, by default database is not there. The Database will be created only when first time any user would register himself.

Even if not getting DB, then look into Web.Config....for myself I can see like:

add name="DefaultConnection" providername="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionstring="Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=aspnet-WebApplication1-20140223194834;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnet-WebApplication1-20140223194834.mdf"

The important value is: AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnet-WebApplication1-20140223194834.mdf".....Look into yours.


VS 2013内置SQL Express。此链接 [ ^ ]应该可以帮助您开始使用它,并且还会回答可以找到文件的位置。


C:\ Users \< yourusername&gt ; \Documents \< thenameyouhadchosen> .mdf



VS 2013 comes in-built with SQL Express. This link[^] should help you get started with it and will also answer where the file can be found.

If you just want to locate the mdf file then the default location is:

Hope this helps.

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